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Activity: How social media impacts our daily lives

How does all that time on social media really make you feel?


✍️ In a notebook, create a simple chart like this one:
SnapchatMorning/30 minutesI wanted to do my homework, but I kept getting notified to keep talking to my friendI was frustrated that I couldn't just ignore it
InstagramAfter school/An hour, in and outA group of friends took selfies showing off new makeupI felt bad that I can’t afford new makeup, and stressed about how tired I looked
TikTokIn bed/An hour, in and outI got sucked in by a live video of a user I'd never seen before, and then I clicked to other similar issuesIt was really entertaining, but then I couldn’t sleep and I felt tired and unfocused the next day
Use this chart to help you think through what is happening while you’re on social media. Keep track for 24 hours or a week. Be honest with yourself about what you’re experiencing.
We’ll reflect on what you observe at the beginning of the next unit.

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