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Identifying point of view in a text

Authors have opinions, just like the rest of us.
Imagine this: The local school board is debating whether to start school days later in the morning. Mrs. Hartley and Mr. Muñoz are fiercely debating the issue.
Mrs. Hartley: If we start our school days later, they’ll end later. And that’s going to make it hard for our athletes to compete against schools in other districts that start and end earlier.
Mr. Muñoz: But research shows that starting school days later can reduce injuries in athletes, because they’re getting better sleep! Wouldn’t we rather keep our athletes safe?
Neither Mrs. Hartley nor Mr. Muñoz are wrong—both their points are valid. Instead, they are both paying attention to different parts of the issue, and so they have different points of view on it.
Authors and characters in texts also have points of view. Understanding the point of view of an author or character can help you better grasp the message the text is trying to convey.

What is point of view and why is it important?

Point of view refers to an opinion or the ideas that someone has about a person, thing, or event. It can also be called “perspective” or “viewpoint,” and can refer to the author's own opinion or to the perspective of a character in a story.
Identifying point of view in a text helps you to:
  • Understand the author's and/or characters’ messages and intentions.
  • Develop critical thinking skills.
  • Form your own opinions on a topic by considering different points of view.

How can I identify point of view in a text?

  • Look for opinion words: Words like "believe," "think," "feel," "argue," and “should” can signal that the author is expressing their point of view.
  • Look for words that compare. Words like “better,” “best,” “worse,” and “worst” can also signal that the author is expressing their point of view.
  • Pay attention to tone: The tone of a text, which is the feeling that the author gives with word choice, can reveal the author's point of view. If the tone is positive or enthusiastic, the author likely supports the topic. If the tone is negative or critical, the author may disagree with the topic.
  • Look for bias: Bias is when an author presents information in a way that favors their own beliefs or opinions. If you notice that an author is only presenting one side of an argument or is ignoring important counterarguments, they may be biased.

Try it!

Practice: Point of view
Many people argue that video games are a waste of time and can lead to negative effects on children's behavior. However, research has shown that playing video games can actually have several benefits, such as improving problem-solving skills, enhancing creativity, and even promoting social connections. In my opinion, video games can be a valuable tool for learning and personal growth when used responsibly.
What is the author's point of view on video games?
Choose 1 answer:

Practice: Point of view
The city's decision to build a new park in our neighborhood has been met with mixed reactions. Some residents believe that the park will provide a much-needed green space for relaxation and recreation, while others worry about the potential noise and traffic it may bring. As a long-time resident of this neighborhood, I can understand both sides of the argument. However, I think the benefits of having a park nearby, such as increased opportunities for exercise and community engagement, outweigh the potential drawbacks.
What is the author's point of view on the new park in the neighborhood?
Choose 1 answer:


By practicing these strategies and becoming familiar with them, you'll be better equipped to identify points of view in a text. This will not only help you become a more critical reader but also allow you to form your own opinions on various topics.
Happy reading! 📖

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