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Preparing to study physics

What does it take to start learning physics?

What should I know to succeed in physics?

Physics can be intimidating, and people often want to know about the prerequisites to start learning physics. Listed below is a rough guide for the bare minimum of what you should know before taking particular physics classes.

Conceptual Physics prerequisites:

All you really need is an open mind, a desire to learn, and a willingness to accept that 90% of what you thought about the universe might be wrong.

Intro/Honors Physics prerequisites:

AP Physics 1 prerequisites:

AP Physics 2 prerequisites:

  1. All of the ideas and concepts of AP Physics 1 are a prerequisite for AP Physics 2.
You don't need to know every math idea in algebra and trigonometry, and you can learn a lot of it along the way, but the more math that's foreign to you the likelier it is that physics might look like mathematical witchcraft.
Remember, the math isn't there to serve as some sort of intellectual roadblock to prevent people from understanding. The role of math here is to state a physics concept in a concise and clear way. Try not to let the math obscure the basic and, usually simple, physics concept that lies underneath.
More important than existing math knowledge, is your mindset. No matter how much you prepare, you'll come up against roadblocks. The key to being successful is knowing you can work hard and ultimately overcome these obstacles!

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  • ohnoes default style avatar for user Ethan Kam
    What is Quantum Physics, and what is its difference to Quantum Mechanics?
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    • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user cgepfert
      Quantum Physics can be used synonimically to Quantum Mechanics and even Quantum Theory.

      Quantum Physics is theory which try to explain why Classical Mechanics doesn't work in cases for example very small particles or also explains some "more visible" phenomenon like superconducting. There is the series of videos in Khan Academy, so if you are interested you can learn from them a lot :)
      (95 votes)
  • duskpin sapling style avatar for user Moona Javed
    I don't know if it even makes sense but consider this, if I hit my head against let's say a table with some force and then hit my head against a wall with the same force, it hurts more in the second case. If the reaction force is same for both cases, why dont i get hurt in both cases the same way?
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  • duskpin sapling style avatar for user Tasvib
    It all sounds very interesting, though I have a question, Since even light can't escape from a black hole, so until it (as in black hole) explodes the light just sits there?
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  • aqualine sapling style avatar for user David Nkpa
    I'm 13 years old i have not studied trigonometry or algebra yet but I have a very open mind and I am very eager to learn about physics.What should I do?
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  • female robot grace style avatar for user sarra
    I wanted to study Physics I ended up learning geometry from scratch 😭 just so I can come back here fully prepared
    (19 votes)
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  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user Benjamin.X.Wu
    What's the difference between this course, AP Physics 1, and AP Physics 2? And does this cover everything in highschool?
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  • piceratops seedling style avatar for user ideanazad
    Hi, whats the difference between HS Physics and HS Physics NGSS?
    (8 votes)
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    • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user gccostello4
      NGSS is a program of newer education. They have more concise lessons, and they have cut out certain information that might not be needed as much. The best way to know if you should use it is (1) what state you are in and (2) what you're using the course for. NGSS has only been implemented in the following states' education: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, which is 20 out of the fifty states in the US. If you live in a state not listed (like mine, I live in Texas), then your state does not use it in their curriculum. If you are taking the course on your own and not taking a credit by exam or taking it for your school or university, then you can choose whichever you prefer. If you are taking it for school, then I would recommend using whichever one is used according to your state/country. (I'm not sure if Khan Academy teaches for out of the US or not)
      (3 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user ujjawal101kumar
    what is physics
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  • blobby green style avatar for user 24sathamrajuvenkataa
    Does anybody now how to actually absorb anything in physics? I am usually a fast learner, but when it comes to physics it's in through one ear and out the other.
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  • duskpin seedling style avatar for user Aafia
    How can we see mars once in a year? what makes it visible?
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