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Class consciousness and false consciousness

The video explores class consciousness and false consciousness concepts. It explains how workers, unaware of their exploitation in a capitalist system, can develop class consciousness, uniting against the owners. Alternatively, false consciousness can prevent workers from recognizing their oppression, influenced by the owners' control over societal information. Created by Arshya Vahabzadeh.

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  • purple pi purple style avatar for user ScienceMon
    How is class consciousness related to medicine?
    (8 votes)
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    • marcimus purple style avatar for user Rayne
      Because it outlines perspectives and the social mechanics of the people you will be treating. How they interact with you relates to the resources available, especially in countries such as the U.S. without socialized health care.

      So having an understanding of social theory will help you empathize with your patients much better.
      (26 votes)
  • piceratops ultimate style avatar for user tian1di2 jax
    the owners put in the CAPEX, have all the liabilities, responsible for healthcare benefits, wages, etc while the workers only have to care about themselves or their relatively small team's production. greater compensation for greater responsibility is quite fair.
    who disagrees and why?
    (12 votes)
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    • leafers ultimate style avatar for user stephens.griner1
      does someone really need to drive a lamborghini or is it alright to drive a honda? Why does the fact that you have more money justify needless spending? Now i understand, that as an owner you have more responsibility than the workers so at the end of the day you should get more compensation. But the owners have more than enough to live a very comfortable life while also sending their children to a good college/private schools. Don't take away from your workers to put more money in your profit. Plain greed. talking about the super wealthy here.
      (6 votes)
  • duskpin ultimate style avatar for user Sha'ul Kramer
    With respect Arshya, you've presented one point of view on this particular topic, without providing a counterpoint to it.

    All you've mentioned is that "some may disagree", but you've done nothing to show that there are reasons to disagree. If we present only one point of view to any particular topic, then we are not educating, but propagandizing. Especially when it comes to social sciences, that are hard to empirically measure.

    Social inequality is a big topic, and the only perspective that's been offered in this module is very much from a particular school of thought.

    This is not intellectual diversity, and I worry that presenting these hypotheses as de facto facts does not help broaden a student's view on the matter.
    (14 votes)
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  • blobby purple style avatar for user kevinarmitano
    Lots of false consciousness here in the comments
    (11 votes)
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  • piceratops tree style avatar for user soraya008
    Is this model really "historic"? At the end of the video, it seems like you're trying to say that the model is not relevant to societies in the "developed world" because it's not just factory and farm owners anymore. To me it seems very relevant to our world today (including the "developed world"). During Marx's time capitalism was in its infancy. Now, the working class is just worst off because the ruling class own a lot more today than just factories and farms. I'm just not sure if it's really correct to insinuate that the model is outdated given the present situation in our world.
    (8 votes)
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    • piceratops seed style avatar for user Edgppf
      In defense of the narrator's comment on its "historic" quality, I would argue that its indeed a way to understand modern societies. From what I understand of Marxist theory, we can extrapolate certain trends from history and apply them to social disparities and dynamics that govern the class systems of today. The rise and fall of the "factory and farm owners" follow a certain cycle. So, you seem to be correct that it does have relevancy in today's modern social construct, if you choose to use these theory as a lens. It is a bit difficult to fit that in 5 minutes, I suppose.
      (2 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Lancelot Benn
    Where can I find the videos that covers the Statistics on the MCAT. Thanks.
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Ekwinder11
    class consciousness= slave revolt in Haiti
    (5 votes)
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  • aqualine seed style avatar for user Jordan Clark
    Why is communist propaganda necessary for entrance into med school?
    (2 votes)
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  • starky ultimate style avatar for user josephw.se
    I see a lot of ads from "mentors" who say that they can teach the average YouTube viewer how they can build a business and get rich quick. Do you think that these videos are beneficial and real or are they more of a form of Class Consciousness?
    (1 vote)
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    • male robot hal style avatar for user Robert Rella
      Tai Lopez? I believe "mentors" like him are pushing two agendas. I believe that they are giving some of the life lessons that they have learned themselves throughout their lives, while also using those messages to sell their products such as Lopez's "Social Media Marketing Agency".
      (3 votes)
  • aqualine ultimate style avatar for user d3rklord
    If you doubt marxist theory, you are then guilty of false consciousness. If you doubt false consciousness, you are guilty of false consciousness.

    This is called KAFKATRAP and it is a fallacy, utter nonsense and renders the whole theory to be just a demagoguery. Google kafkatrap.
    (1 vote)
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Video transcript

- Let's draw some factories and next to them, let's draw some farms. So what I'm drawing here is something called the means of production. These are facilities and resources by which we can produce goods. Now when we think about factories and farms, who owns them? Typically, it's pretty wealthy, wealthy individuals. On the flip side, those individuals typically hire a large amount of workers and what the workers offer is their labor. The workers don't own any of the means of production. They don't tend to get any of the profits or major benefits. They tend to get some kind of salary, generally. So, when we look at the owners and we look at the workers, we should start to realize that there's a class divide and when we think about class in society, we often think about the hierarchy of the upper class and middle class and lower class and we often say the lower class are the working class and that upper and middle class, they may very well be the owners. Now we come onto a theory and this was a theory that was partly discussed by someone called Karl Marx and further put forward by people who were advocates of his theory called Marxists. And what this theory says is that these workers, who are part of this working class, they don't realize that they're being exploited and oppressed by this capitalistic model of working where the owners control the means of production and they get all of the benefits and all the rewards. But what can happen, is that these workers can develop something called class consciousness and what that means is that they realize that as a class of society, that they have solidarity with one another against the owners, against the people who own the means of production and that they must struggle to overcome this oppression and exploitation. And part of that may involve seizing and obtaining the means of production and redistributing the means of production amongst the workers. So in class consciousness, the workers seek to obtain the factories and the farms and take over the ownership. However, there's another part to this theory and that part conflicts with class consciousness and this is called false consciousness. And unlike class consciousness, when the workers start to see that their struggle is that they have solidarity with one another, and that they're in a class struggle against the owners. In false consciousness, they're unable to see their alleged exploitation and oppression. And remember, the story of society, the information that floats around societies are often controlled by the people in power, the owners, the people who control the means of production. So through a lot of processes, they can install this false consciousness, promote it among the workers. So when we think about false consciousness, we see that the owners may be feeding a lot of information and controlling processes in society to the workers and maybe giving them hope that one or two of them may potentially become owners in the future, whether that's true or not and really promoting this false consciousness, making it much more difficult for the workers to unite and see their true levels of exploitation and oppression. So one of the things we need to also focus on is this false consciousness and class consciousness is part of this Marxist theory and there's many people who would obviously disagree with this. And some of the ways we're thinking about owners and workers in these models, they really refer to much more historic models of how society worked in regards to society's way of farms and factories are dominant, which isn't necessarily the case in some of the more developed countries in the world today.